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Insta-Gram !

The other day while in Bed, Bath & Beyond, I saw a huge display of monogram letters. While most of them were cute, and user friendly in the sense that you’d pick up your desired letters in which ever color, size or material combo you wanted – and then just go home and tack them on the wall – I couldn’t help but think..well…that it was pretty cheesy. So, like most things I see – I thought about ways to tweak the at hand products to make them a bit more sophisticated, pretty, or just plain fun – and these are things you can do instantly. Just purchase the in store letters and DIY it! Check out six different ways to step up your Monogram game below. Get your Insta – Gram on!

1. Purchase the letters needed – cover in fabrics from a piece of clothing from a meaningful day (i.e. sweater worn on first date), sheet music or your couple’s song, or even love letters. They definitely will have more meaning, and are great conversation pieces.

2. Glue pearls or other gemstones to the letters, I’m a stickler for color coordination so I’d stick to say tourmaline and hues of pink – but a combination of stones would be really pretty as well!

3. Wrap with yarn – My best friend did this for her daughter’s nursery with her name. Super cute, and super easy!

4. Frame it – You’ll probably need something that has a little more depth to it, like a shadow box for this one. Put a piece of fabric, i.e. black and white chevron flat against the frame, and then place a brightly colored letter over it – then close the frame and hang. I’d like red with that particular pattern/color scheme.

5. Add photographs of your favorite memories, make a collage on the surface of each initial, picture perfect!

6. Cover in memorable trinkets, prized possessions, or items that show a bit about your personality. I.E. hometown postcard, favorite team logos, etc.

Check out some cool tutorials here – Ombre Monogram

The rest is here: sixdifferentways.com

Patch – Work it!

When I hear the word quilt – one thing comes to mind. A floral paisley monstrosity with a million different colors that somehow kept making it’s way back into my living room after several attempts to hide it, destroy it, or toss it. This blanket would only make sense to a color blind individual…really. Maybe that’s why my father loved the patchwork quilt that was slung over the couch in the living room growing up. It all makes sense now. I guess there’s a silver lining in everything.

Any way – while most people do not have color vision deficiencies, few can really take on the skill of quilt making and achieve aesthetic success. I know, while these handmade blankets have come a long way from their random scrap material conjoining days, and all should be appreciated for the time, effort and ingenuity that goes into each one…however, I have found several that really raise the bar. Take a look at six different ways these creative individuals patch worked it!

Modern Hexie Quilt via Modern Hancraft

Moonglow via Craftsy.com

#MCM – Triptyque

From the Greek adjective Triptixon – which breaks down to the word tri – or three – and ptysso – which means to fold, we have the term used for a three paneled piece of art (sometimes carved wood) that could be folded shut or displayed open, and are truly magnificent in structure and beauty. These fixtures are usually found in places of worship, and have inspired more modern works in terms of photographic triptych pieces and sculptures. We’re not here to talk about those inspired pieces though.

Meet Triptyque, a group of graduates from the Paris School of Architecture. Melding their classical architectural backgrounds with a unique and modern take on Brazilian Brutalism (a movement named from the French beton brut, i.e. “raw concrete”), they are taking over the world by storm. Triptyque has trailblazing the field for over a decade, creating innovative structures and interiors that question and challenge all classical architectural norms – and seem to defy them in a gratifying way. Today our Modern Crush is on this quartet. Check out the private luxury building in Rio and San Paulo – you’ll see why soon enough. I fell for them, at least three times over.

Harmonia, 57 – San Paulo

RB12, Rio De Janeiro

Read more here: sixdifferentways.com

a thousand words…

Two years ago, I visited a friend’s sister at her newly built home. It was lovely, two floors of brand new freshly painted and decorated bliss. Naturally, my favorite part was the walk in closet. This thing was grand, truly a sight for sore eyes. It had to be the size of two of my bedrooms put together. Anyway – although that truly had most of my attention – something else caught my eye. It was her wedding dress, in all of its sparkly handmade glory, displayed in a case that adorned one of the walls. I happened to love it. It was the first time I had seen this – and after that I hadn’t again. More recently, I read a post on another blog that discussed how one of the RHOBH’s had hers on display, and she thought it was awkward. While some might agree, I think it’s awesome. There are so many ways to commemorate your special day, and this is one of the more unique ways. Check out six different ways brides took their dress display to the next level.


Read this article: sixdifferentways.com

#MCM – Ride The Wave

So while most think of #mcm as Man Crush Monday – here we’re doing something a little different. No worries ladies and gentlemen, I promise these MCM’s are just as hot. Welcome to Modern Crush Monday, where we show our love for the beautiful modern pieces, places and things that make our hearts skip a beat. Today, we’re riding this Wave…

Via meetsebastian.com

The Wave Cabinet by Artist and designer Sebastian ErraZuriz is the new creation of his series of functional sculptures, which embody his translation of craftsmanship and mastery of material into fine art.

The Wave cabinet opens with true delicacy and beauty; each individual slat pulls along the following much like a paper fan. With multiple configurations which allow for various options of aperture, the artist has re-engineered the familiar process of opening and closing, into rotating and undulating adaptations.

The ‘Wave cabinet reinvents the paradigm of cabinet as a re-visualization of the domestic, quotidian objects that surround us. Like his previously surprising sculptural furniture, Sebastian invites us to break open the box as a literal metaphor for reminding the viewer to stop and look again.

The New York based artist explains:

“I am inviting people to look at one of the simplest forms of furniture design and to forget that we’re talking about furniture, instead to see it as a way of breaking a box. I love the idea of creating beautiful furniture; nevertheless I am much more interested in using the medium as an excuse to trigger people’s curiosity and create a connection with them”. 

Family Ties

According to inquiring minds, (aka my mother) there is a need to know how to tie a room together with bold or bright accent pieces. I understand, it’s all about the bonds you form. Sometimes you need to adapt to form these ties and make them stronger. So – the dilemma we are facing right now, is how to blend a bold focal piece into a neutral room. Hypothetically, you have a red accent chair that you love – and you want to put it into your earth toned living room. What to do? Well, for starters, step out of your comfort zone and be bold. Put that red chair in the room. Now sit in it, and look around you. Out of these earthy tones, what colors stick out the most? Probably the darker tones. You want to downplay them a bit, we’re trying to take center stage with this chair. Now lets see what we could use from the lighter colors – say beige or cream. Would the chair look okay with a seat cushion in a cream hue? You might be surprised by how this could tie this all together. Give it a go! Check out these six different accent pieces that were tweaked to adapt to their surroundings. and strengthen their family ties.

Read more: sixdifferentways.com

Magic Carpet

Over the weekend I had visited with some friends out of state. We were discussing the construction of new homes, and how when they received the plans for their home, it included carpet. We all agreed that carpet was a thing of the past. Sure, it could be great as a sound barrier or a cushy stopper for tiny tots who are just learning how to walk. Plus hardwood floors or tile look cleaner, and are easier to maintain. While all of these things may be going through your mind as well – I did some research and found some pretty cool carpeting ideas via Flor.com, which allows you to build your own carpet by utilizing tiles in different colors, patterns and textures. These tile like pieces of carpet can be configured into some really unique and lovely pieces. Check out these magic carpets, a whole new world of flooring …

Building Blocks of Creativity:  via Flor.com

Read the original: sixdifferentways.com

Room of Requirement

We all have an idea of what our dream home would consist of. Some of us have started blueprints. Maybe it’s just me. While these prints have changed over years, there is a one design that is engraved into my blueprint. Maybe it’s because of my repeated viewings of The Secret Garden as a little girl, or maybe it’s my infatuation with all things Bond that make this design such a requisite. For starters, I need a library. A grand library with thousands of pieces of literature, from all genres, all editions, all encompassing knowledge and journeys to be taken with the crack of the book. But that’s not the room that I’m writing about today. The room that I’m writing about is the “Room of Requirement” (as safe room gives the annotation that all other rooms are dangerous) – best described in Harry Potter,”It is a room that a person can only enter when they have real need of it. Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not, but when it appears, it is always equipped for the seeker’s needs“. This room would serve would ever purpose to the user – for me, I like to get away from the noise and write, or read  my books, and just sit in silence for a bit to gather my thoughts. Throughout history, passageways and rooms have been designed to protect, transport, and provide a place of solace when needed. I have researched the designs and architecture of these rooms, and even found companies that customize them. As always, I have more than six top picks, but here are my fave six hideaway rooms!

Link: sixdifferentways.com

Eye Candy

The evil eye, or mati in Greek – is a blue amulet that is utilized in jewelry, clothing, and accessories. It is said to have protective spiritual qualities which shield the bearer from harm, or to bring good luck. Since I was young, my parents have always pinned a mati to our clothing or given us gifts of necklaces with the eye charm. While this symbolic charm can be found hanging outside of homes in Greece, the Mediterranean and nearby regions, the design has become a part of pop culture. I love the idea of wearing one of these, even more I love the idea of home decor that incorporates the design! These pieces are unique, beautiful and hold so much meaning. Here are six different ways this century old tradition has been introduced in modern designs and styles that you will absolutely love!

“Eye” by Sebastian Bergne for Swarovski

“Nelson Eye Style Clock” via Inmod

Mara Hoffman Rug via Anthropologie Reflective Gourd Lamp, Via PinterestThree Teal Peacock Circle Pillow, via EtsyPeacock Acrylic Painting, via etsy.com

Here is the original post: sixdifferentways.com

Pitch Perfect

Remember building a Teepees when you were young? Yeah – me too and it makes me super nostalgic! The good news is – teepees have been popping up all over and not just on the playground. Recently, I’ve seen a lot of photographs of south-western style weddings with teepees. I absolutely love them! They are relatively easy to put up (pitch your own – learn how here), and give off a really earthy, artsy vibe. Whether you are looking for a way to have a ball bohemian style, or just relax in an enclosed space in your yard in comfort – there are so many ways to pitch it perfect! Check out six of them below!

See the original post: sixdifferentways.com