HGTV Dream Home

Happy New Year! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a relaxing weekend. Are you sticking to any resolutions you’ve made?

I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions or reflections, but there is one tradition (if you can call it that) that I keep with myself every year – entering the HGTV Dream Home contest everyday from the beginning of the New Year until it ends in February. I always thought the contest began on January 1st, but I see this year it started on the 29th. (Oops, maybe being late to the contest can be part of my little tradition!)

My mom got me started on this about five years ago. It’s fun to think about what you would change about the dream home and if you would keep it or sell it, or what. So, while I should be going to the gym with the rest of the world, I’m going to exercise my stellar abilities at filling out the entry form instead!

What about you? Are there any unique, silly, or simple resolutions, traditions, etc that you have for the New Year?

[All images from the HGTV Dream Home Gallery]

Here is the original post:

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