hiku: Shopping Simplified

Grocery shopping just got a heck of a lot easier with this device called hiku . You scan the barcode of an item you’re running out of or finished OR you speak what item you need right into the hiku and then it magically sends (well, via Wi-Fi) the item name to a list on your phone. No more forgetting food when you’re at the store because you’ll have the list that you’ve been accumulating with you

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hiku: Shopping Simplified

Barcode Design


When was the last time you really paid attention to a barcode?  Well that’s about to change thanks to Barcode Revolution. Based in Tokyo, Japan, Barcode Revolution is challenging companies to think about the way in which their valuable product real estate gets used.  Without interrupting the function of the barcode, Barcode Revolution has come up with a variety of fun and innovative barcode designs that definitely add to the packaging of a product.


So what do you think? Would this make you pay attention to barcodes? I certainly would.  See lots more here.

Excerpt from: sixdifferentways.com