The table clock

Materials: Ikea Bravur wall clock, small old round table, black lacquer, adhesive, saw, brush Description: I became fascinated with the “DIY” madness. For a long time I wasn’t interested in the Do It Yourself attitude, I never thought something could be done using old furniture or knick-knacks. I was only interested in the things of design

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The table clock

Snowwhite playkitchen from Hungary

Materials: Grundtal rail, Grundtal S hook, Lansa handle, Panna black coaster, Svep knob Description: Our two year old daughter was crazy about cooking and acting like a real cook lately. She was a great fan of the Ikea playkitchen, and although we thought it was very cool, it was a bit expensive for us.

Here is the original post:
Snowwhite playkitchen from Hungary