ICFF 2013: Part 2

Designer Tom Dixon never disappoints and this year he really stepped up his game. Besides having a booth featuring new products, he also had a pop-up manufacturing booth that was actually making limited edition Punch Ball fixtures (above). Dixon partnered with Trumpf Inc who brought in the high tech machines cranking out the creations and set up shop so visitors could watch the process

ICFF 2013: Part 2

The Bare Hair Project

The Bare Hair Project is an interesting concept from Swedish furniture and product designer Ola Giertz . Developed for a Swedish hair studio, the poufs are made from discarded human hair that is stuffed inside of plastic coverings made from recycled PET bottles. Normally considered ugly, discarded hair from the salon was used for this project to find new purpose for something we once considered useless. Using transparent covers highlights the re-used contents of the pouf making you think about bringing new things to life

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The Bare Hair Project

Friday Five with Sandy Chilewich

Sandy Chilewich is the founder and creative director of Chilewich Sultan LLC , a New York based company owned with her partner and husband Joe Sultan. Chilewich , the brand, is renowned worldwide for their modern reinterpretation of underutilized materials and manufacturing processes. Their textiles have transformed how people dress their tables at home and in restaurants around the globe, while their floor and wall coverings provide a clean contemporary alternative in the design community

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Friday Five with Sandy Chilewich